
How to Measure Social Media ROI

Collaborate and Grow!

Women Who Collaborate On Social Media – Stand Out Be You!
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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

Meet Tequila

Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

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How much time, energy, and money do you spend on social media marketing? Do you know? Perhaps more importantly, what are the results of your efforts? Are you getting the traffic, sales, and brand awareness that youíre aiming for? The difference between your input and your output is your return on investment.

Why Measure your Social Media ROI?

Your social media return on investment is proof that your efforts are paying off. The information can help you see what tactics are most effective and generate the best results. Measuring your social media return on investment can also show you what to let go of. It can help you set better goals.

What Goals Are You Setting?

You can measure your return on investment in a number of ways. However, ultimately the only way to really know if youíre getting a return on investment is to know what you want to measure, where you stand now, and where you want to go. For example,

Letís say that your goal is to use social media to drive traffic to your website. How much traffic are you getting from social media now? How much do you want to increase it? What data plays a role in your increase in website traffic? These are the questions you have to think about and answer as you begin to measure social media return on investment. Other goals to consider include: reach, traffic, leads, customers and conversion rate.

Where Do You Find the Data?

In most cases youíll need to create systems to track and measure your social media goals. If you already have analytics installed, for example Google Analytics, then you can look at the data and determine which sites provide the most traffic to your blog or website. You can also see which pages or links generate the most traffic from social media. And which links are shared more often via your social accounts. This information can help you create a stronger strategy.

Going Forward

If you're not looking at your social media results or setting goals then you may be spending a whole lot of time and money for little or no return. Stop wasting your precious time and energy. Decide what you want to accomplish with social media and then create a plan to succeed. Set specific goals and implement systems to measure your success.



Create a system to consistently look at your analytics (this may include finding tools that support you). If you don't have an analytics system installed on your site, check out your options Google Analytics is free, fairly simple to use, and it provides an abundance of data.

This month in our community we are focusing on nothing but social media.  Click HERE to Join and if you need help with increasing your visibility online.

To your continued marketing success!

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Collaborate and Grow!

Women Who Collaborate On Social Media – Stand Out Be You!
Private group · 655 members

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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

Meet Tequila

Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

Optimize Your Business Operations!

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