Whether you choose to be an independent business owner who handles all business activities and tasks or an entrepreneur who has a team working to scale up the company, working for yourself can be a rewarding experience. However, without a strategic business operational plan, you might fail to keep the business running in the long term.
Many entrepreneurs start running their businesses on their own and hire and manage a team to run their business. Unlike a solopreneur, who manages the company's operations and performs the tasks required to deliver their products and services to the company, entrepreneurs often outsource the execution of products and services to their employees to focus on running the company itself.
That’s when you need to create an operational plan for your business.
Being a solopreneur means you have to focus on millions of things simultaneously. The business operational plan helps you focus on one goal at a time and develop specific actions to help you achieve those goals.
To ensure the success of your business, you should probably step back and plan first. Having a great business idea is not enough; you need to set the right goals. Before you think and project the future of your business, you need to have a realistic picture of what you can achieve. The ultimate goal is to have an action plan to fulfill your mission and vision. To scale your business, you must choose a direction, have a vision, and build a plan of action around it.
So, let’s jump straight into why your business needs an operational plan.
A strategic operational plan works as the roadmap for your business that aligns your business activities with the goals. It lets you and your team know exactly how your business is supposed to function day in and day out. Finally, it describes the steps you will take to fulfill your business mission.
A business operational plan forces entrepreneurs to think about managing all aspects of their business, including marketing, recruiting, financial forecasting, and more. In addition, it allows solopreneurs to define their core business, activities, goals, and all the steps required to achieve all business goals.
Whether you choose to write a traditional business plan or a lean business plan, you need to focus on the details. Your business operational plans should be a formal written document that contains business goals, an action plan to achieve them, and the time frame within which they must be achieved. You should also include your marketing plan, employee development plan, or any other type of method you are currently using or want to use in your business.
In the future, this operational plan will allow you to measure results and evaluate the actions that lead to those results by answering simple questions, such as:
As you answer these questions, you will measure the performance of your business. The evaluation will allow you to make some changes to your operational plan. When scaling your business, your business operational plan will need to be updated and adapted.
Creating a grand strategic plan is a colossal task that can take months to complete. In addition, the plan's implementation requires the cooperation of each team member to ensure successful execution. To run an ethical and successful business, you need to make a solid strategic plan that will improve the operational efficiency of your business.
Here are simple steps that will help you create a strategic operational plan for your business:
Before you focus on your future goals, you need to take some time and look back at the previous year. You need to analyze last year’s successes, losses, and workflows carefully. It will help you to leverage the operations and systems that are working. In addition, you will get an opportunity to look at the areas that didn’t do so well. Hence, you can make plans to improve it or get rid of it.
In most cases, entrepreneurs end up focusing more on future goals than the current operations of the business. Therefore, when you start writing your operational plan, focus on the products and services that you sell and your target audience. If your target audience and your current products do not align, consider creating a new product or service that matches the popular demand.
The next step is to know your goals. You need to clearly understand what you want to accomplish in your business and business operational plan. Your business operational plan should include all of the steps you need to take to achieve your goals.
Once you have a clear vision of your business’s future, you need to start gathering all of the content that will be included in the business operational plan. You need to do extensive research of the market and find the data about your industry and competitors. It would be best if you focused on the market dynamics, including brand image, celebrity analysis, purchase intention, net promoter score, custom satisfaction score, customer effort score, etc.
Generally, solopreneurs are responsible for doing all of the business tasks. However, when writing your business operational plan, you can outline the mundane tasks that are taking over the majority of your time but not typically adding to your business goals. At this stage, you can either decide to hire more employees to take care of these tasks or outsource them.
The primary purpose of the business operational plan is to scale the business. So, when you are creating the plan, don’t forget to include the tools and resources that you are currently using. This step will enable you to decide which tools work for your business and find alternatives to the tools that might be too expensive or not fully used in your company.
Once you have researched and understood your ideal audience, you need to find the most effective sales and marketing strategies. One of the most effective ways to attract new sales is to use ads. As a solopreneur, you might want to do all of the work yourself. However, many tools can help you automate your marketing strategies, such as PPC campaigns. Creating sales and marketing strategies will enable you to save time and promote your business in auto-mode.
Are you ready to scale your business and improve your business's operational efficiency? Click the image to learn more about business systems and operations.