
The All On One Page
Marketing Plan

Stop losing focus, spending money and getting no where in your business.  Most people spend tons of marketing dollars only to end up in the same position they were from the beginning…. Let's change that!!!

By Tequila Dodard


Now I am not going to claim to be the all knowing marketing guru.

However, I will say I have been in the marketing and sales arena forever 15 years both online and offline helping entrepreneurs in both worlds profit in their businesses. 

Today, I love helping others market their business online. I support you in mapping the systems and operations of your business and create a profit/s. 

Ok so let's lay out all the cards on the table upfront, there are frequent denominators that occur when it comes to marketing that has just not changed. 

However, with all the information that enters our world daily, it can all sometimes seem like there are millions of strategies and plans. 

Because I like to simplify and keep things easy, I'm going to wrap all these common marketing tactics into one page.


These same strategies and tactics tons of online entrepreneurs are using them to grow their business online a lot faster than others.

When a person is new to the market, it takes a learning curve to learn everything, and during this learning time, one can spend lots of dollars especially when they taking the willy-nilly approach trying everything everyone suggests.

This is where this plan comes in to play. 

The start of this is going to all sound cliche; however, I will begin with I know and have been where you are right now.

To be new online overwhelmed by the so many directions you can take when it comes to marketing. 

I mean it is the world wide web and more than ever we can reach people from the complete opposite corner of the world. Literally…

The truth is, you can do marketing better. We all can.

We all can have better marketing strategies where we spend less money and time because we have the right strategies and tactics in place to market our business. 

I love to gather information, test strategies, make things simpler and so I put together my favorite marketing plan for you!

This is the same plan I use to map out my marketing as well as for new clients when I first bring them on board. (Now do not tell me I already have the perfect plan because honestly there is no ideal). 

Plus marketing a business online within some areas can be an entirely different ball game compared to being offline. 

Ok, I don't know if you can tell, but I am super jazzed to get this plan into your hands so you can start re-evaluating or mapping out our marketing plan and begin creating strategies that work for you in your business. 

Ones that will take away that feeling of overwhelm!

Ok, have you downloaded the marketing plan yet? 

Great! If not, here it is click the pretty picture below and walha! Just in case you couldn't click, you can also check it out HERE.

“Marketing is a process we want to guide our ideal client through.  We want them to not only to become a customer but a raving fan.”

For this journey, we are going to break it all down into three phases. 


We will discuss how the client will travel through each stage. 

These three phases are the ABCs to the marketing plan. Attract, Bond and Care. 


If you need more guidance in understaning then each one of these phases is discussed in more detail HERE where we go over in more detail how if you follow the ABC's you can build Know, Like and Trust.  


So really quick let's establish what the know ABC's are:  



Attract: They don't know you and there for you must strike an interest. How do you do this? Take a listen here…


Bond: You now have a LEAD. They are interested in you but what do you do next? Take a listen here…


Care: Now they decided to become a customer of yours. But it should not end here… 

You must create an experience.  We talk about how you do that and you have FREE access the Video about it HERE.  


Remember again the overall goal of these phases in to increase the know, like and trust of the customer.

Each phase is then broken into sections in order to connect better with the client and grow your business.  It's the nine sections that will make up the entire marketing plan. 

If you are like me… I like to have visuals and interact more to get a better understanding.  It's why I put together this FREE Video to help guide you with making sure you map out the right plan.  


See You There!
