
How to Plan Your Year and Make it Great!

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Is it time to change your goals?

Are you satisfied with the way things are going in your life?

Continuing to achieve the life goals you’ve set is hopefully bringing you considerable happiness and contentment. But, perhaps you’ve taken a different path and you think it would be helpful to add some goals or even take some away.

Sometimes, life requires that we alter the direction we’re headed.  Sometimes we have to revisit our life plans and make adjustments.

Maybe your life focus has changed due to the loss of a partner or job, demanding that you relook at the goals you once had or establish years ago. Whatever the case, pondering whether or not to change your life’s dreams may be in order.

Consider these ideas:

How to Plan Your Year and Make it Great!

1. Review your current life list

Pull out the list of life goals you compiled in the past. Are they still what you want?

Maybe you’re ready to let a few of them go to make room for some new ones that are more fitting. Rank them.

I love to write out my keys aspects in life and rank them on a scale of 1-10 of how I did last year and the one with the lowest score gets high focus in the upcoming year.

Give yourself permission to adjust your list as needed.  If you are new to all this think back to the start of this year.

If you are like most this is when many decide to develop and implement new goals.   Well I am here to tell you you can always have a plan and it doesn't matter the time of year.

If you are need to well thought out plan that will help to get you started and on track, download the Map Your Year! planner.

For example, maybe you thought you’d become the president of a company someday, but you’ve discovered that you’re more of a salesman. You love making new acquaintances and watching your sales stats rise. It’s okay to remove the goal of becoming president. Maybe you want to start a business and you can't seem to get your foot in the door to starting.

2. What do you want out of life?

It’s a good idea to have your goals written down and in a file where you can easily access them to make changes and updates.  I think its even better to have them broken into milestones.  Yes, I like 10 year, 5 year and 1 year plans…

Even if you’re unsure of what your overall goals ought to be, jot down experiences you want to have and place them in your file.

Verbalize any changes to goals you’re considering. Inform your partner of the type of life you want since your lives and goals are intertwined. Altering your life goals will involve your joint agreement and efforts.

3. Share and talk about it

Talking about what you want helps you conceptualize your goals. Your close friends and family will also want to support you in your quest to accomplish your master life plan.

4. Live it

Infuse elements of your goals into your day. When you include daily efforts to create the life of your dreams, your goals won’t just be some lofty ideas you rarely think about. Be strongly connected to the objectives that will lead you to your goal.  Be sure you are able to live your goals daily.

For example, if one of your life goals is to take a trip to Europe, start a computer file where you can copy and paste links to websites and information about the places you want to visit. Also, have a paper file to keep magazine articles and photographs.

I started an Instagram account based on the places I would love to travel and as you all know I love to travel.  Use social media as your vision board to your goals.  Create a secret to public folder where you can upload pictures associate with your goal.

Look something up, check your bank account to ensure your travel funds are building, or read a travel article each day.

5. Try setting and achieving mini-goals

If you’re curious about a particular goal, but are unsure as to whether you want to change your life’s direction, establish a mini-goal to start exploring this area. You’ll be able to feel things out and figure out whether the new goal enhances your interests.

Do you want to go further with this new venture? Or have you learned enough to conclude you’ve been on the right track with prior goals you set? Either way, you can put the concept of mini-goals to work for you.

Establishing small targets that will lead you to accomplish your main goals is always smart and effective.

How to Plan Your Year and Make it Great!

Life happens. Things change. You may see the need to alter the life plan you had previously set for yourself. Put these strategies to work for you when it’s time to remove an old goal or add a new one.

Whatever level you’re at, whether you’re in love with your business and life today or not, the only sure-fire way to make the next year your best ever is to spend some time reviewing your wins, setting new goals, and planning your strategy for the coming months.

If you missed your first of the year resolutions then this is still for you. Make this moment the start of your year and download the FREE Map it and Do it (Your Best Year) Planner!

Always to your success,

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Collaborate and Grow!

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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

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