Goals that are easy and most time fun to set usually fall within two golden qualities: They are easily attainable… yet still manage to stretch you outside of your comfort zone. However, remember all your goals should always reflect you and be in alignment with your most important values.
Secondly, goals should offer you one priceless benefit: They should advance you a step further towards attaining your overall dream lifestyle and business.
With this said, the question remains: why do most people suck at goal-setting and goal-keeping?
The answer lies in your personality…
To reach goals, you first need motivation. Nothing is more motivating than figuring out why you want to accomplish something. When you feel like giving up on your dreams, whether it be in business or life, write down three reasons why you need to achieve your goals. When goal-setting, always reflect on your why.
Most of us have a vague idea of the life we would like to live and what it would look like, but few have real, concrete directional goals on how to get there. A plan or, in this case, the goal is simply a target. It's the final destination of where we want to be; however, we have to map out how to get there, which is where your goal setting begins. Without goals, you're just drifting down the path of wishfulness, hoping for whatever is happening around you will somehow improve. With SMART goals, you set yourself up for increased success; why? Because you now have a defined direction and purpose.
Though we've all been told how important targeted goals are, few of us have ever been given specific directions regarding creating and formulate an effective plan.
Give your goal-setting sessions these characteristics, and you'll be on your way down the right path to your defined level of success.
Acquiring a new house isn't specific. Acquiring a 1960's, renovated brownstone that is four stories with the red brick exterior with oak wood floors throughout located in Harlem is specific.
GOAL TIP: Be as specific as you need to be to the point you can see and feel it. If your goal is to be married by the age of 35, then it's important to be very specific. I want to meet the man of my dreams, and I want him to be 6 feet tall and have freckles because I love freckles. I think you gt my point. Does he really need to have these items? Not at all, but it's important to have clear targets, but too much specificity limits your options as in the man of your dreams can throw your goals off. Stick to the most important characteristics. I like to say look for the wins.
Without a deadline or timeline around your goals, you might find yourself wavering at times and procrastinating did not set an endpoint date to your goals. Creating deadlines or timelines creates focus and urgency when goal setting.
GOAL TIP: An effective endpoint date is no more than 12 weeks into the future. This is why I created the 90-day strategic goal setting worksheet. If your specific goal takes longer than 12 weeks, then you have to break it into smaller goals. Anything beyond 90 days will cause you to lose focus and drift off course. As we all know, it's far too easy to begin to procrastinate when goals are set too far into the future.
If you do not believe you can achieve your set goals, I promise you; you will not make it happen. What would be the point, right? Start with a simple goal that is small enough to get a win. One that you believe can be done within the deadline or timeframe you've set.
GOAL TIP: Make sure you have the necessary resources and dedicated time to reach your goal before the deadline? Build in the right habits. Take some time to think about a few mindless habits your could try and foster to help you meet your goals. For example: If you're trying to lose 20 pounds, then building a habit of daily exercise will help mindlessly propel your overall goal.
If you can't measure it, how will you know you reached it? How will you know if you're getting things done? Goals that deal with money or bodyweight are easier to quantify. A goal to take a trip to Thailand is also easy to measure because you either went or you didn't.
GOAL TIP: Goals that deal with less quantifiable characteristics, such as money, are harder to measure, and you may have to create your own measuring scale. To ensure your goal can be measured, call on someone to hold you accountable. When we tell others our goals, it helps us keep an eye on the goal, and it increases our chances of achieving it.
Review your goals regularly—one of the common mistakes is to set them and forget them. Once you have set your goals, prioritize them by reviewing them daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. As humans, we are constantly coming up with ideas and thoughts, especially as business owners. All the noise consistency in reviewing your goals will help your rise above the noise. Take a few moments each week to review your goals and set your targets.
GOAL TIP: Take enough time in your schedule to re-write, read, and visualize your goals. Set a day of the week to review your goals and base your daily actionable tasks and projects around these goals.
After you've created your goals, create a list of actions that will lead to attaining your goal. Think about the actions you will take to accomplish each goal and plan accordingly. Keep in mind your deadlines and make it happen! Stay out of your head and take action! What steps or actions can you take today to reach your goals?
When you keep in mind all of the steps and complete them, your goal should be a reality!
Goals are the key to reliable achievement. Ask your successful and unsuccessful friends about their goals compared to their results in life. Those with goals and direction regularly outperform those without. If you don't have any goals, hurry up and make a few! If your life isn't fulfilling, a few goals can make the difference.