A client of mine lost his group of over 4,000 members with no explanation or reason why from Facebook. Then having a good friend lose their entire personal Facebook profile. I decided it was time to buckle down on how to promote a business on Facebook and all social media platforms.
How are you protecting your content and saving your social media digital footprint?
After this incident, I began looking around and noticed just how much people really rely on social media as their main source of business growth especially on Facebook. Some only use Facebook as their all-out business platform with no backup plan at all.
When trying to get my client's group back I started finding people who had lost their personal accounts as my friend did which links to everything inside Facebook, others lost their groups some with a 10k member count or more. Some had lost their ad accounts. I began to think about how much control this platform really has over us.
We did eventually after about six months get the group back, but by that time we had already started building a new group and lucky for us we also had a second group along with messenger groups to which we have since moved off the Facebook messenger platform.
We were so caught off guard and most can't even fathom the thought when I tell them this happened. Guess one would only take notice if it happened to them and they leveraged Facebook for business. There are so many ways you can have your account shut down so sometimes you don't know the true reason. Now if you are wondering what we did wrong, I have to tell you we did everything to our knowledge right. We were following all the rules. No income claims, no spamming people, we watched comments, we were sticking to the rules.
I did get to connect with someone who did say that now Facebook is instead of only bots is having individuals manual inspect profiles to see if there is excessive business marketing happening on personal profiles. So just to be safe it really best you use your Facebook Business Page for business.
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Founded in 2004, Facebook's mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. People use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what's going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them.[/ctt]
Here are a few additional tips you can do to make sure you are using good business marketing strategies on Facebook.
All business marketing is really done by way of Facebook ads. They want you acting like a person on your profile, and if you are using “fake” profiles to help market your brand to which I have seen people teaching this, it is for sure against Facebook rules and mission. I never understood really why an individual would try to game the system and create profiles as such because again people like to deal with real people but if you are, I would get rid of “fake” profiles right away.
If I have freaked you out a little to which you should be freaked. Good!
Imagine losing everything you have ever uploaded to Facebook. Most of us have been on for over 10 years so we have a lot of life conversations and connections on there. It's also a good thing to see what data Facebook has captured about you. When I was researching and reading all the horror stories of people losing their content, training sessions, live streams, posts, photos, and memories…I was like this is like a life crash. You can back up your Facebook by:
1. Going to the top right of Facebook and clicking settings.
2. Clicking your Facebook information.
3. Then go on to download your information and click view.
Just like TequilaDodard.com.
I think this is the biggest non-realization right now for people and it's why I have been helping a lot of people built their personal business starter sites.
Facebook has its own rules and sorry to say we all must live by those rules and those rules can change at any time. If you are doing well in business in the blink of a Facebook change that all could change. There is no competition really for Facebook yet they have a lot of control. It's a company with virtually no competitors, with a tremendous amount of power that appears unstoppable, and with influence over the ENTIRE planet. I don't know if people realize just how scary that is when one company holds all of that in their hands. It's scary.
When my client's group disappeared, it felt deflated of all the work we put in. All the plans we had for the group. Immediately, I began to think they could shut the entire operations down. The way we all mostly connect online to day is only through one .com and it's time to make sure you are backing up your digital footprint. Before you are erased.
In the end, most of us only want freedom – financial and lifestyle freedom and we are on a mission to help each other. In order to do that I say make sure you are creating content and backing up your digital footprint at all times.
The only one who will protect you and your online presence is you. In order to protect yourself make sure you are:
Build your network on your own domain (Content Converting Starter Websites). For goodness sake build your email lists. If you are looking to build your email list join us in the Facebook group that focuses on building not only your community but your email list as well.
As I highly recommend to my clients, use project management platforms such as Slack, Basecamp, Asana to load all your business documents and to manage operations.
I don't know how else to stress this. Always know your net worth is your network. Connect with them regularly. People connect with people. People are everything. Care for them, and they will care for you too!
If you are looking to promote and grow your business with Facebook Groups, do it in under 30 minutes a day with this Facebook group marketing cheatsheet.
Remember Facebook, is a social platform and should be used to leverage your brand. In the end, everyone should be coming back to your own piece of the internet.
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever had a group, personal profile or Facebook page taken? How do you go about promoting your business on Facebook?
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