
How to Set Goals and Resolutions Anytime of Year

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Collaborate and Grow!

Women Who Collaborate On Social Media – Stand Out Be You!
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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

Meet Tequila

Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

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Whoever said your year has to start at the start of the year?  I like to think you can begin your year and set your goals at any time of year especially if what you are doing fits you.

Well, we are one week into the year and boy were there are lots of new resolutions and new people being created.

Did you set your goals yet?

I'm always very curious to better understand different mindsets this time of year it's a great time to see people turning over a new leaf, re-creating who they are and setting new resolutions.

This is what I am speaking about this month inside the Stand Out Be You Community and on the Stand Out Be You Podcast.

Here's my takeaway:

– Some people are super-pumped and already hustling to get way ahead of everyone else. How do I know this because they tell us all?

– Others are just overly excited the year ended and are looking for what's to come in the New Year.

– Then there have been people who are publicly sharing their specific goals. I like to think this keeps them more accountable.

– Lastly, we have friends who will just go with the flow and be grateful for wherever life takes them.

So which way is the right way?

Well, I'm here to tell you all of them are CORRECT, there is no right way because everyone has a different approach that's unique to them while at the same time we all have ideas, visions, and values that are also unique to our individual personalities.

And honestly, it doesn't matter what someone's strategy or goals are to prepare for any part of the year if they do not remember their reason for doing it couple with a strong why well those new mindset statements and goal will be placed on the shelf for the next years to come.

To move forward in life whether it be the next hour, next month, year or years… If you are not connected with what is right for you, then you will fall into the trap of not accomplishing your goals and what’s worst feel as if you have failed.

I remember when I didn't know my why, when I didn't get my reasons, and I remember when I said no more I have to do things differently. Today MY goals are 100% aligned with ME.

And this is what I wanted to share with you.

Every year instead of some unattainable new year resolution I rate these Six Life Areas. You have briefly heard me speak of them before on the podcast and you’ve heard me talk about them inside the Stand Out Be You Facebook group.

In face when you initially join the Stand Out Be You group, I have you rate these areas. What’s interesting is most always place purpose as their number one.

The Six Areas Of Life

  1. Your Character
  2. Your Love
  3. Your Spirituality
  4. Your Health
  5. Your Community
  6. Your Business

I like to think all these areas the backbone of everything that makes you- You in life.

If you are entirely in sync with all six of these areas, then you increase your chances of having great moments in life at any time of the year.

My years and setting goals changed about 4 years ago when I received a call a few years back, and I remember being asked hey what's your resolution and I quickly began to randomly spout off these glorious what I think today were simple wishes or to do items. Do you know what happened? I didn’t accomplish very many of the wishes or to do things on my list. Why? Because there was no action behind them and I didn’t reflect.

Today I am asking you to reflect on your year: How did you do with the area of your health, love, character, community, purpose, and business?

Now the areas that fell low on the scale re-order them giving them a higher priority. Now once you have rated the top six dive deeper into each one individual setting your specific SMART goals.

If you would like to focus more on the Six Areas of Life, then be sure to listen to Stand Out Be You Podcast and if you haven’t already joined the Stand Out Be You Facebook group.

No matter what your strategy is, or whether you've planned or not for the year, I want you to look at your goals (or think about them) and ask yourself one question:

“Am I allowing myself to reach my goals or feel accomplished?”

You wouldn't believe how many people unconsciously model or compare to someone else and simply assimilate their methods (hey, I've been there too, were human).

However, when we do this, we are only causing internal conflict because it's not who were are. It's great to Be inspired by others while at the same time be you!

And if you are not being you, it will lead to “struggle” or “lack of motivation.”

By asking yourself this simple question, “Am I allowing myself to reach my goals or feel accomplished?” and applying the Stand Out Be You formula you'll know right away if the feeling in your gut says YES or NO.

We spend the most time with ourselves, family then in our business so you might as well enjoy it and have fun during the process. When you work on the inner 3 areas fun becomes natural.

And that's why YOU and only YOU need to be 100% sold on YOUR goals, not anyone else.

The year has started and if you feel like any part of what you're doing is not you then know its ok to take it away.

I can't wait for you to hear more, because there's a TON of stuff I need to share with you, and it's going to make our YEAR together fun and successful at the same time. Until next time, Stand Out Be You and know you don't have to be perfect you just have to be you.

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Collaborate and Grow!

Women Who Collaborate On Social Media – Stand Out Be You!
Private group · 655 members

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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

Meet Tequila

Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

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