
7 Steps to Build an Email List from Scratch Without an Audience

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Emails are a must! When I first started years back with my first blog, it was only after a full two years that I began to collect emails. 7 Steps To Build An Email List I missed out on over 3,000 subscribers…

Throughout the past decade, the internet has made shocking advancements in terms of social media and business platforms. It’s easy for business owners to get a little lost in the hype of new and fashionable trends; however, if there’s one marketing staple that absolutely isn’t going away, it’s email. The benefit is massive! One 2016 study found that email has a median ROI of 122%. That's over four times higher than other types of online marketing!

The success and popularity of email as a marketing tool has remained the same over time. Today, email lists are still absolutely vital in starting, maintaining, and growing any business.

For businesses, marketing emails can help promote awareness, consolidate customer service, and keep you connected to your client base. Getting started with an email list from scratch may seem daunting, but just remember that every successful person had to begin their list somewhere.

Below are seven steps to help build your email list from square one.

1. Email marketing services are powerful from beginning to end.

Considering an email marketing service may seem like overkill at first, especially when you have a very minimal email list. However, it’s important to get your strongest start from the very first email onward—and to start planning for a more productive future.

Email marketing services help you to create personalized, professional emails. They can also help you automate the sending process for your subscribers, and gain new potential customers over time. Not only will your emails draw more attention overall, but they can also be designed to help convey your brand.

2. Use your website to capture subscribers.

First things first: having a website for content sharing is vital! Without one, you’re missing the opportunity to gain credibility, target specific niches, and provide helpful information and updates. If you’re looking to get a website, let's have a chat through a free consultation! I believe businesses should be known not only through social media but also by way of your content, which should be housed on your own website.

If you already have your own site, placing a subscription box on it allows a potential client to conveniently share their information with you. Plus, there's no commitment or overstepping on your part.

This simple step is sometimes overlooked, but it’s the ultimate multitasking hack for your business. This is because your website is the most basic way new customers find your products and services. Ideally, it should already be captivating and offer value to anyone who visits it. But you’ll also want to attract new clients to a specific area where they can subscribe for updates. A few great spots to consider placing your email subscription box are in your “About” section, or after every post and informative update.

3. Build your list through contests and giveaways.

If you’ve ever entered a contest online, you’re probably familiar with forms that ask you to enter your name and email address, as well as another prompt such as “Share this post in order to complete your entry!” You get something helpful to you (an entry into the contest), while the event organizers get something helpful to them (your information and a social share).

Similarly, in the world of business, offering something even of small value gets people involved and interacting with you. Make sure your giveaways are relevant to your target audience and backed by useful information to keep your email list growing. The more consistently you can offer a contest or giveaway, the more consistently you can grow your email list.

4. Create traction through testimonials.

Business emails should always give your reader some type of helpful information, tips, or advantages, every single time one is sent. By ensuring that you’re always providing value, you can start soliciting testimonials from people who have benefited from being subscribed to your email list, even in a relatively short span of time.

When somebody visits your website and is considering giving you their own email address, it can be helpful for them to see a quote from a customer they can relate to, someone saying something great about your business.

5. Take advantage of social media.

The average person spends close to two hours per day on their social media accounts. This means hav

7 Steps To Build An Email List

ing a strong social media presence, if you strategize correctly, can help net your business a much greater visibility in the online world.

When gaining email addresses through social media, it’s important to always engage and interact with your followers: simply putting up post after post won’t urge people to subscribe to your email lists. Instead, a great tactic is to use relevant “teasers” to give just enough information about a new update, post, or product without revealing everything, directing readers to subscribe to your email list for the exclusive info.

6. Enroll before you go.

Sometimes, people will be led to your website without realizing exactly how they got there. Often this ends in distraction, or the person is focused on some other goal. As a result, they close the window to your site.

But these short, unplanned visits give you a great opportunity! Having someone on your website is like having someone face to face with you. If they turn to walk away, you should at least say goodbye and let them know how to get in touch. Well, the same scenario goes for your online interactions. As someone goes to navigate away from your website, you can create a pop-up asking them to enroll before they go. This lets them continue to get helpful and relevant information.

One word of caution: with pop-ups, it's important to be attractive and engaging without appearing “spammy.”

7. Just ask for emails!

Don’t forget that behind every email address is a person, just like you. In this fast-paced world, we sometimes overlook the power of personal connections. Yet these encounters can sometimes be your strongest asset.

Talk to people face-to-face in your community, at events, or even randomly out in public. This allows you to listen to their needs, and form a genuine dialogue. If it looks like the person is interested in what you offer, see if they'd like to subscribe.

Like clockwork, people around the world are waking up and checking their emails every day. The only way to get your information to their eyes is through their email address…which may require several attempts of trial and error!

There’s always a way to improve on your tactics. Depending on your business, all seven of these steps may work wonderfully for you, or you may just need one.

What are your best tactics for building your email list?

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Women Who Collaborate On Social Media – Stand Out Be You!
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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

Meet Tequila

Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

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