
How to Use your Content to Engage Your Subscribers

Collaborate and Grow!

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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

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Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

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Every piece of content that you create should be worked into your email marketing in some way.

If people have signed up for your email list they want to be reminded about the content you’re producing. They don’t want to miss out. It’s your job to ensure that no one in your audience misses out on the value you offer them via the key pieces of content that you create.

Welcome to Day 15 of the content challenge.  If you landed here and you are not in the challenge you can learn more below:

So content and email marketing are both very important parts to growing your business and audience.  If you have a list subscribers you should be connecting with them often so that they are kept up to speed with your offers, strategies, products, etc.   How do we do this?

1. Pull out a Quote

Any key content is going to have quotes inside from either someone well-known in your niche or from you. Pull those quotes out to make them stand out, and use that quote as fodder for an email about that topic linking the reader to the key content that it came from.

2. Pull out a Statistic

You can also pull out a stat that you find super interesting and telling. For example, “Re-sharing content doubles views.” This can be the new title of a case study that shows exactly how that works.

3. Pull out a Fact

Key content also, of course, has facts included. When you can pull out a fact that you can use as the beginning of a new email while also linking back to the key content you’ve created new information for the email reader but you’re staying true to what you wrote before.

4. Tell a Story

Another way to work your key content into your emails so that you can link to them for your audience to consume is to tell them a story. Let them know why you created the content and what you hope that they get out of it. Knowing the background information will go far to helping develop trust.

5. Share a Case Study

If you shared your key content in the past, you likely have some case studies by now regarding others who have taken your advice within the key content. Ask them to share their story, then you share it via email linking back to the content that changed their lives.

6. Use a Testimonial

Has someone else read your key content and made comments about it that were useful to you? Pull out that testimonial or comment use it to start your email regarding the content. When your audience sees what someone else has done with the information they’re going to be more likely to click through.

As you can see, incorporating the key content pieces that you create into your emails isn’t as hard as you may think.

Remember that every line of content you create can be torn apart and repurposed in multiple ways. When you think about that, it makes it so much easier to create email content for your audience that will boost revenues more than you think.

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Collaborate and Grow!

Women Who Collaborate On Social Media – Stand Out Be You!
Private group · 655 members

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Collaboration includes purposeful actions we take as entrepreneurs to enhance the world, build deep relationships and expand our learning together.

Meet Tequila

Hello I’m Tequila and I am a Business Operations Strategist who helps business owners who are bogged down with business tasks leverage the power of automation and team so they can re-focus their business systems and quickly get back in front of clients in order to increase revenue.

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